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Kommentare (37)

19 août 2023

Ooohh yes 😍 I want a Plush-Bash too 🥰 Please make enough 😍

Jane Lyne
Jane Lyne
16 juin 2023

I would love a phone case (If possible for more models than just apple and Samsung as I have a Sony!) And a coin purse in the shape of Bash's head!

26 avr. 2023

Plushie - Yes please!

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
13 juin 2023
En réponse à

Our plush toy is in the final stages of development! We will begin a crowd-funding campaign soon, so keep an eye out on our social media! ❤

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
01 août 2023
En réponse à

You can now sign up to be notified for when the Kickstarter campaign goes live!

27 mars 2023

Like most folk I’d love a cuddly Bash.

02 août 2023
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I’ve always dreamed this would happen. How much will they be?

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
04 août 2023
En réponse à

Hey again Fennec! We chatted on Twitter but just in case others see this, we are looking at a selling them for £25 each. They are a lovely, high quality plush and will have beans inside to make them poseable. Very soft and cuddly, and best of all will look like Bash!

08 mars 2023

Would love a plush Bash ♥️♥️ Also do you post to Australia??

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
13 juin 2023
En réponse à

Our plush toy is in the final stages of development! We will begin a crowd-funding campaign soon, so keep an eye out on our social media! ❤ We absolutely do! Apologies for the late reply, I wasn't notified about these comments!

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
01 août 2023
En réponse à

You can now sign up to be notified for when the Kickstarter campaign goes live!

06 mars 2023

Would definitely get a Bash plush…and maybe a SnapBack hat?

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
13 juin 2023
En réponse à

Our plush toy is in the final stages of development! We will begin a crowd-funding campaign soon, so keep an eye out on our social media! ❤ I like the idea of a SnapBack hat!

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
01 août 2023
En réponse à

You can now sign up to be notified for when the Kickstarter campaign goes live!

05 mars 2023

would love a plushie of Bash!

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
13 juin 2023
En réponse à

Our plush toy is in the final stages of development! We will begin a crowd-funding campaign soon, so keep an eye out on our social media! ❤

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
01 août 2023
En réponse à

You can now sign up to be notified for when the Kickstarter campaign goes live!

08 févr. 2023

A plush toy would be awesome

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
13 juin 2023
En réponse à

Our plush toy is in the final stages of development! We will begin a crowd-funding campaign soon, so keep an eye out on our social media! ❤

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
01 août 2023
En réponse à

You can now sign up to be notified for when the Kickstarter campaign goes live!

06 févr. 2023


Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
13 juin 2023
En réponse à

We now have stickers! Check them out -

04 févr. 2023

I need a plushie of Bash!

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
13 juin 2023
En réponse à

Our plush toy is in the final stages of development! We will begin a crowd-funding campaign soon, so keep an eye out on our social media! ❤

Tim and Bash
Tim and Bash
01 août 2023
En réponse à

You can now sign up to be notified for when the Kickstarter campaign goes live!

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